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Frostburn Weird
Typ karty: Creature — Weird
Edice: Return to Ravnica
Vzácnost karty: Common
Mana potřebná k vyložení:
Text na kartě: : Frostburn Weird gets +1/-1 until end of turn.
Příběhový text karty: Many chemisters are oblivious to the innumerable machinations of their guild, instead focusing obsessively on creating the perfect weird. Watermark: Izzet
Edice: Return to Ravnica
Vzácnost karty: Common
Mana potřebná k vyložení:
Text na kartě: : Frostburn Weird gets +1/-1 until end of turn.
Příběhový text karty: Many chemisters are oblivious to the innumerable machinations of their guild, instead focusing obsessively on creating the perfect weird. Watermark: Izzet
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